Landlords and tenants in multi-dwelling units (MDUs) will be able to take advantage of Com Hem’s new user friendly app.
The digital platform has been designed to allow shared resources within a property to be booked or to exchange information with neighbours. Landlords can have increased digital control over the property, keeping administrative and maintenance costs down.
“At Com Hem, we are developing services aimed at providing people with the right conditions for getting as much as possible out of their digital lives. The digitalisation has meant that both the business sector and landlords now have to enhance the efficiency of their operations in order to keep up. We believe the need for a digital platform is greater than ever. That is why we are launching Com Hem Smart, which I am convinced will simplify daily life for both landlords and residents,” says Lars Ljunggren, head of Product Landlord at Com Hem.
Landlords sign an agreement for the app and are then given a login to share with the tenants. The app can then be used at no extra cost.