Broadband TV News speaks with Dr. Peter Charissé, Managing Director, ANGA COM. The event will take place June 12-14 in Cologne, Germany.
ANGA COM’s conference agenda will offer new topics and more panels – tell us more!
We have extended our conference agenda to 34 expert panels. More than 170 speakers will take part in the event starting on 12 June. New panels include an International CTO Panel, Streaming Content with Amazon, Adressable TV and Internet of Things. Following the slogan ‘Where Broadband meets Content’ we will equally address the latest developments in the broadband as well as the media markets.
The third day of the ANGA COM is now labelled Gigabit Now! What are the plans for this 14 June?
On the third day we will organize a joint event called “Broadband Day – Gigabit now!” together with the official German Broadband Office and the Association of Telecommunications and Value-Added Service Providers (VATM). The conference panels will address political, practical, regulatory and technical topics of the broadband roll-out. The Broadband Day offers free access for all visitors upon prior online registration. It will be opened by the Minister for Economics, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
We are also very proud to work with ANGA COM on a new English language session about new markets
It is our pleasure and a further instrument to make ANGA COM even more attractive for international visitors. In this panel, representatives from Cisco, Eutelsat, SES, Telekom Romania and Vector Technologies will discuss TV strategies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. It is scheduled for Wednesday, 13 June 2018. Thanks for your support!
Also new on the agenda is a regulatory session in cooperation with Cable Europe
Yes, copyright is currently a very controversial issue in Brussels. The panel “EU Regulatory Update: Copyright Law” in cooperation with Cable Europe offers a discussion amongst market representatives from Belgium, Germany and Poland. Together with the International CTO Panel, including C-level speakers from Arris, Cisco, Com Hem, Liberty Global, TDC Group, Tele Columbus and Vodafone Deutschland, ANGA COM will kick-off with a strong international focus this year. Altogether, the agenda now features 16 panels in English.
Traditionally ANGA COM was all about television, but the landscape is now changing fast with networks also extending into IoT, security and more
Absolutely, the relevance of new broadband-related topics like IoT, smart home and security is constantly increasing. However, on the top list remains the roll-out of fiber and gigabit networks. The new German government wants to cover the whole country with gigabit speed Internet by 2025 and plans to put up to 12 billion Euros in a special fund to help supply underserved regions.
Also television is no longer just a TV set, but we have TV Everywhere, Multiscreen, AI, VR…. it does not seem to stop – what do we see in Cologne?
Yes, new TV features will be more present than ever. In the exhibition we will see a lot of new visitors in this field. All keywords are as well part of the conference programme: streaming, app TV, cloud TV, replay, adressable TV, VR, big data, recommendation engines, voice control and other forms of personalization still seem to be the most exciting topics.
Last year was the first year in the new congress halls – what were the reactions of the exhibitors and the visitors?
The relocation was a milestone for ANGA COM. We received tons of compliments. The exhibitor survey for 2017 has confirmed that we have reached a new level. I have been particularly pleased about the excellent ratings we received for the new exhibition halls and the open-air food plaza. No wonder, for 2018 already now we have reached a new record level with 480 exhibitors and the rented floor space has been further increased.