US films are still getting the lion’s share of promotion on TVOD in Europe, according to a new report by the European Audiovisual Observatory.
25 of the 30 most promoted films by the TVOD services of the sample were produced in the US. The 10 most promoted films benefit from 32% of all promotional spots. European films benefit from 23% of the promotional activities of the TVOD platforms.
These are the findings of a new report by the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. The report – The visibility of films and TV content on VOD – was authored by Gilles Fontaine, the Observatory’s Head of the Department for Market Information, and supported by the DG Connect of the European Commission. The report is available as a free download.
The report examines a sample of five European countries: Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Taking a full month of promotion by on-demand services in October 2017, Fontaine analysed promotional activity for films and TV content on 39 transactional video-on-demand services: 19 national services, and 20 national versions of pan-European services.
1. Breakdown of TVOD promotional spots for films by country of origin (October 2017)
Source: European Audiovisual Observatory analysis of AQOA data – Based on a sample of 5 EU countries
In terms of visibility for European films, France produced 11 and the United Kingdom 10 out of the 30 most promoted European films.
2. Top 30 most promoted European films in TVOD in October 2017
Source: European Audiovisual Observatory analysis of AQOA data – Based on a sample of 5 EU countries
3. Breakdown of TVOD promotional spots for TV content by country of origin (October 2017)
Source: European Audiovisual Observatory analysis of AQOA data – Based on a sample of 5 EU countries
The report states that European TV content is less actively promoted than European films. Only 18% of all promotional spots for TV series advertised European TV content in the month examined (as opposed to 23% for European films).