The number of pay-TV subscribers in Spain stood at 6.1 million in mid-2017, according to the latest data published by the regulator CNMC.
Although this was 4.7% more than in the corresponding period in 2016, it represented a slowdown in the rate of growth.
While IP and cable together accounted for 400,000 new subscribers in the year to June 30, 2017, the number of satellite TV subscribers fell by 172,000.
Significantly, quintuple-play services were received by over 5 million subscribers, or almost 700,000 more than a year earlier.
At the same time, the take-up of double and triple-play packages continued a downward trend.
The number of NGA installed access or access connections grew by 16% to over 44 million, with the majority (33 million, up from 27 million a year earlier) being FTTH.
On the other hand, the number accesses to DOCSIS 3.0 technology grew very slightly to around 10 million.
The number of NGA accesses on which a service was actually provided stood at 8.8 million, or 22% more than a year earlier.
The ones that grew the most were FTTH, which added 1.6 million to reach the figure of 5.7 million.
All told, there were 14.2 milion fixed-line broadband connections in Spain as of the end of June 2017, with 8.5 million offering speeds of 30Mbps or higher.
The latter figure was 1.9 million more than a year earlier.
Of the 8.5 million lines offering 30Mbps or higher internet access speeds, 43.8% provided 100Mbps or more.