The number of Americans who subscribe to cable TV is now on par with the number who subscribe to Netflix, according to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
According to the report from PWC, of the 2,000 people who were interviewed, 73% said that they subscribe to a traditional pay TV package, which is a 3% drop from the 2016 subscriber base of 76%. Of that same 2,000 people, 73% said that they subscribe to Netflix.
The report also indicates that 46% of those who responded shed pay TV accounts in 2017 in favuor of either cord-cutting entirely or cord-trimming certain accounts. The number of people who stream TV content from the internet is growing across age groups, but especially with people 50-59 years old, where 63% said they stream TV content versus just 48% last year.
Netflix added another 850,000 domestic subscribers during its last quarter, and saw its total US customer base grow to 50.85 million subscribers, whereas cable can only claim 48.61 million subscribers, according to the Leichtman Research Group.