Wirtualne Polska’s (WP) embryonic TV business has had a challenging year.
Latest results published by the Polish company show that its EBITDA in the first three quarters of 2017 amounted to –PLN10.975 million (-€2,578 million), compared to –PLN897,000 in the same period last year.
However, when the company’s (main) online business was taken into account, total EBITDA was PLN89.664 million (PLN84.813 million in the same period in 2016) and net profit PLN30.353 million (PLN30.725 million).
WP says that the group’s total results were significantly affected by costs connected with WP Television, which made its full debut in December 2016.
WP owns Poland’s leading horizontal internet portal of the same name and its numerous specialist vertical portals are visited by 5.7 million users daily.
Its other interests include WP Television, which is distributed on MUX-8, the internet, cable and satellite, and the internet radio stations OpenFM and PolskaStacja.