Cable operator UPC has remained on growth course in Q3 2017 in Austria and Switzerland.
In Austria, 4.000 new broadband internet customers were added, 9,000 new fixed-line and 8,000 new mobile customers. The number of premium TV customers remains unchanged at 373,000.
In Switzerland, the number of premium TV customers climbed by 8,000 to 680,000, driven by UPC’s new sports channel MySports, available exclusively on cable.
On September 30, 2017, three weeks after launch, UPC already had 26,000 subscribers for the MySports Pro package. More than 3 million Swiss households receive basic channel MySports Basic without additional charge, 1.2 million of them on UPC’s cable network.
For its broadband internet service, UPC reported 11,000 new customers in Switzerland, for fixed-line telephony 9,000 and for mobile telephony 13,000 new customers.