DTH satellite remains the most-used TV reception method in Germany.
46% (17.6 million) of the total of 38.3 million TV households receive their TV channels via satellite, according to the Astra TV-Monitor 2016. Cable TV follows with 43% (16.6 million). IPTV is used by 6% (2.3 million) and DTT by 5% (1.8 million) of the TV households.
59% (22.5 million) of the TV households receive HD television. The largest part of them (55%, 11.4 million) are DTH satellite users followed by cable households (39%, 9.4 million) and IPTV customers (6%, 1.8 million).
The Astra TV-Monitor is compiled yearly by market research institute TNS Infratest on behalf of Astra satellite operator SES. A total of 6,000 households throughout Germany were interviewed at the end of 2016 for the current edition. The results reflect each household’s main TV reception method, usually the TV set in the living room.