RCS&RDS (Digi) is preparing for a listing on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with investors set to sell 20-30% of shares in the company.
According to ZF, the shares could fetch between €500-600 million, the company being valued at between €1.5-2 billion.
Quoting financial market sources, it adds that the listing could take place by the beginning of May.
RCS&RDS is the leading provider of pay-TV services in Romania, with its main competitors being Telekom and UPC.
Its founder and main shareholder Zoltan Teszari holds a 47% stake in the company.
As of last November, the other shareholders were headed by Everest Trust (14.6%), Eton Park (7.2%), Gustav Wurmbock (3.79%), Ioan Ben-dei (3.4%), Gheorghe Maftei (3.31%), Matthias Eckert (3.29%) and Sfetozar Bugraski (3.2%).