Plans by the four Visehrad nations to launch a joint TV station are still on track for 2018, according to Jacek Kurski, the president of Poland’s TVP.
However, speaking to Wirtualne Media, he added that the drivers behind the project are Poland and Hungary, with the Czech Republic and Slovakia only likely to join if they like what they see.
Speaking about TV Bielsat, a channel operated by TVP and aimed at viewers in Belarus, Kurski said that he wanted it to continue but that its future ultimately rested in the hands of Poland’s Foreign Ministry (MSZ).
The main thrust of the interview was TVP’s financial problems and the need to resolve them within a matter of weeks.
Kurski expressed his hopes that a new method of collecting receiver licence fees would come into effect as soon as possible.
He also revealed that TVP’s commercial revenues in 2016 were down on the previous year.