French audience research company Médiamétrie has integrated the 4-screen TV/Video audience measurement on all of the subscribed channels.
Every day in France, three million people watch the television on the internet on their computers, smartphones and tablets. Médiamétrie is among the first countries in the world to launch a 3-screen video and a 4-screen TV/Video audience measurement.
The service began in April with daily 4-screen figures on programmes and starting from November 18, Audiovisual Groups will have their monthly audience on the four screens, being able to know what audience is provided by each internet screen.
These audiences are available regardless of the screen and when the programmes were viewed. This data relates to all television programmes tagged on the internet via eStat Streaming, the real-time measure of the consumption of streaming audio and video on all types of terminals.
These analyses make it possible to quantify the respective contribution of each screen to the global audience and to understand the video power on internet screens, according to Laurent Battais, executive director of Médiamétrie