The Pay-TV Innovation Forum is a new global research programme for senior pay-TV executives, developed by NAGRA to explore and catalyse innovation across the pay-TV industry at a time of unprecedented change.
This report summarises the findings from the 2016 programme of research and analysis, providing an overview of the pay-TV innovation landscape and setting out the views of industry executives around the world – in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America. It provides a snapshot of industry perspectives about the innovation challenges and opportunities facing the industry and outlines a set of innovation priorities for the pay-TV operators.
What do we mean by innovation? Innovation can be defined in various ways: it can encompass improvements to internal business processes, incremental extensions to existing products and services, and new business models. Although all of these are important, our focus is narrower – on the creation of viable new customer facing products and services that can deliver value to the pay-TV enterprise.
The findings in this report were developed between March and September 2016 and are based on MTM research and analysis and extensive engagement with pay-TV industry executives from around the world.
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