German media company Freenet wants to launch its own IPTV platform in Q4 2016 offering linear TV, video-on-demand (VOD), online games and streaming services.
The product will be based on the infrastructure and technology of fibre-optic network provider Exaring in which Freenet acquired a 25% stake in spring 2016. Exaring’s CEO is Christoph Bellmer who built up DTH satellite platform Arena for cable operator Unitymedia and later headed VOD service maxdome and the digital business of media company ProSiebenSat.1.
IPTV platform will contain around 100 TV channels including all public channels as well as commercial channels, thematic channels and foreign channels – a large number in HD quality.
Viewers will be able to pause the currently running TV programme and also use a network-PVR for personal recordings. The EPG will recommend shows based on the viewers’ individual taste.
The IPTV offer which has been in beta test since May 2016 will complement DVB-T2 package Freenet TV which the company will launch on March 29, 2017. Freenet took over DVB-T2 platform operator Media Broadcast in spring 2016.