The Romanian regulator ANCOM has launched a public consulation for an upcoming DTT tender.
In a statement, it says that the aim of tender is to allocate two national, 26 regional and 18 local licences for a period of 10 years.
The winners will be able to start offering commercial TV services immedaitely after receiving the licences.
Those granted national licences will be required to install at least 36 transmitters within two years, while regional and local licence holders will have to install at least one multiplex in their area of operation within a year.
The minimum licence tax will be €300,000 for each of the two national multiplexes and between €1,000 and €10,000 for regional and local multiplexes, with the higher figure being for Bucharest.
ANCOM notes that the fees were set by the government in February 2014. It also says that it has already organised three DTT tenders.