The EBU says it backs proposals from the EU that would enable the cross-border portability of online content within the EU.
Agreement was reached at last week’s meeting of the competitive council.
EBU Head of European Affairs Nicola Frank said: “We welcome the outcome of the Council’s discussions because they have clarified how public service media organizations can offer access to their programmes to citizens who are travelling abroad in the EU. The possibility for EBU members who offer their online services without payment to opt-in to the portability system is the right way forward.”
Under the proposed Regulation, EU citizens who purchase or subscribe to an on demand portable, such as the BBC iPlayer, Sky Online or Viaplay would be able to use the service when travelling abroad.
The European Parliament is expected to deliver a report on content portability by the end of the year.
But the EBU is calling for a more ambitious solution to give viewers cross-border access to the broadcasters’ media programmes online can be achieved by applying the licensing principles of the Satellite and Cable Directive to these services. This would enable viewers to have access to online content from their home country as well as from other EU Member States.
The EBU says it understands that the European Commission is currently examining this possibility.