Vodafone says it now has 9.5 million TV subscribers – though not implicit in its statement, the majority will be from its acquired cable networks in Germany and Spain.
In its financial results published Tuesday, the telco confirmed field trials for TV services in the UK and Italy later this year.
1.3 million new broadband customers have been added in the past 12 months taking the total to 13.4 million. Of these 6.4 million take a high speed service over fibre or cable.
Vodafone One, the converged service in Spain that combines mobile services with the cable services of Ono, acquired in 2014. 1.5 million customers now subscribe to that service.
In November the similar Vodafone Red One launched in Germany this time combining mobile with high speed broadband on the Kabel Deutschland cable network; as of 31 March 2016 the product had gained 54,000 customers.