The number of people tuned to the BBC has increased by 13% over the last year.
New figures from the BBC Global Audience Measure (GAM) show the BBC has a new record weekly audience of 347 million worldwide. The BBC Global Audience Measure (GAM) figures represent the combined measured reach of international content, both news and entertainment, for the year 2015/16.
They show that the BBC’s weekly global news audience has increased by 38 million people, or 13% to a total of 320 million.
For a second year, television (162 million) is a bigger platform than radio (147 million) for the BBC’s international news services. All platforms have grown since last year – television, radio, and digital (80 million).
BBC Global News Ltd, which comprises BBC World News and, has seen its audience grow to 108 million.
Francesca Unsworth, Director of BBC World Service Group, says: “These are fantastic results which show the BBC going from strength to strength around the world and demonstrate the global appetite for accurate, impartial news.”
BBC World Service will shortly begin its biggest period of expansion since the 1940s following new funding from the UK government. World Service has seen its audience increase to 246 million from 210 million last year, driven by new TV news bulletins in languages other than English.