Michael Peters, CEO of Euronews and Africanews, has launched the linear Africanews channel from Pointe-Noire in the Republic of the Congo.
Last November, Euronews announced the launch of a sister channel dedicated to sub-Saharan Africa, Africanews. The online and social media services of Africanews were launched on Monday, January 4, at 18.00 from Congo Brazzaville.
Africanews claims to be the first independent and multilingual pan-African news outlet ‘to show the new face of news coverage from a fast-moving continent.’
From Pointe-Noire, a team of 50 media professionals from 15 countries across sub-Saharan Africa has since January 4, 2016 been providing coverage, on africanews.com, of Africa and the rest of the world from a purely pan-African perspective. They are supported by an additional network of 45 correspondents all over Africa, operating in conjunction with Africanews’ French-speaking and English-speaking editorial teams.
Africanews is a 100% Euronews subsidiary financed through advertising and distribution. Africanews adheres to the same editorial charter as its European sister channel, Euronews.
Africanews has created a fully-fledged pan-African network, with editorial decisions taken in Africa for an African audience.
From Wednesday, April 20, the TV channel joins the existing Africanews community on its website, its YouTube channels, and its Facebook and Twitter accounts.