Bridge Technologies says a new generation of power tools is needed for the move to digital media monitoring.
“Traditional approaches to monitoring are no longer adequate for ensuring high service quality,” said Simen Frostad, chairman, Bridge Technologies. “To stay on top of the complexity, more powerful approaches are required, and these also have to massively simplify the task for the user. At TVConnect 2016, we’ll be talking about the most advanced set of monitoring power tools available to drive current and future success in the digital media business.”
Among the products that Bridge will be discussing is the Remote Data Wall (RDW), which provides a more powerful way to create a customized ‘flight deck’ of data instruments through an easy-to-use widget toolkit. The RDW is a versatile and adaptable tool for creating a customised monitoring display in the control centre that can be accessed on the net from any connected location.
Bridge Technologies will also be talking to visitors about Timeline, a new technology for exploring monitoring data in a live NLE-style interface, giving users a completely new level of understanding of faults and outages, and providing a powerful way of verifying SLAs and validating regulatory obligations.