The Russian TV channel operator CTC Investments has elected a board of directors.
It includes three representatives of UTV Management, a Russian company that currently holds a 75% ownership interest in CTC Investments, one representative of CTC Media Inc., a Delaware corporation that currently holds a 25% ownership interest in CTC Investments and a representative of CTC Investments’ executive team.
The board members are Ivan Tavrin, CEO, PAO Megafon; Andrey Dimitrov, CEO, UTV Management; Vladimir Zhelonkin, chairman of board of directors, Kommersant Publishing House; Yuliana Slashcheva, CEO, CTC Investments; and Jean-Pierre Morel, CEO & CFO, CTC Media, Inc. The chairman will be elected at its first meeting.
CTC Investment manages the Russian TV channels CTC, Domashny, Peretz and CTC Love, as well as Channel 31 in Kazakhstan.
Meanwhile, UTV Management is a subsidiary of UTH Group and its assets include U Channel, Disney Channel and the cable-delivered Muz TV.