The thirteen largest pay-TV providers in the US – representing about 95 % of the market – lost about 190,000 net video subscribers in 3Q 2015, compared to a loss of about 155,000 subscribers in 3 Q 2014.
According to Leichtman Research Group the top pay-TV providers account for 9 4.0 million subscribers – with the top nine cable companies having 48.8 million video subscribers, satellite TV companies about 33.5 million subscribers, and the top telephone companies having nearly 11.7 million subscribers.
Other key findings for the quarter include: The top nine cable companies lost about 145 000 video subscribers in 3 Q 2015 – compared to a loss of about 44 0,000 subscribers in 3 Q 2014, and a loss of nearly 600,000 subscribers in 3Q 2013.
Top cable MSO losses were the fewest in any third quarter since 2006.
Satellite TV providers added 3,000 subscribers in 3Q 2015 (including gains from DISH’s internet-delivered Sling TV) – compared to a loss of 40,000 in 3 Q 2014.
The top telephone providers lost 49 ,000 video subscribers in 3 Q 2015 – compared to a gain of 323,000 net additions in 3 Q 2014.
AT&T U-verse had 30 0,000 fewer adds in 3Q 2015 than in 3Q 2014.
Telco net adds in 3Q 2015 were the fewest in any quarter since the services started in 2006.
Over the past year, the top pay-TV providers (including DISH’s Sling TV) lost about 400,000 subscribers – compare d to a loss of a bout 130,000 subscribers over the prior year.
“Overall, net losses among major pay-TV providers (including DISH’s Sling TV) in 3Q 2015 were similar to a year ago, but the quarter also displayed continuing share shifting within the category,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc.
“ With AT&T adjust ing focus from its U-verse TV service to its newly acquired DirecTV satellite service, telcos reported their worst quarter ever in 3Q 2015. Conversely, top cable providers cumulatively had their best third quarter since 2006 – the year when telcos began offering video services”.