A mixed quarter for TDC’s television interest with its Danish cable operations shedding 6,000 customers as the operator looks to improve its TV offer.
By contrast recent Norwegian acquisition Get TV produced 2,000 net additions.
However, despite the losses both revenue and EBITA have increased in the year to date, a price increase to a large part of the base boosting ARPU by DKR 8. The downside was a number of customers spinning down to smaller packages. Cable activities now represent 35% of EBITDA within the TDC Group.
“YouSee is in the midst of revitalising its TV offering to meet the increasing popularity of on-demand services. This includes upgrading
broadband customers to higher speeds as an enabler for on-demand services, as well as introducing an entertainment universe through an app featuring increased flexibility and on demand availability,” said Pernille Erenbjerg, Group CEO.
Numbers will almost certainly increase from January 2016, when 18,000 households covered by a new housing association contract are seen in the figures, the customer was regained from earlier in the year.
The entire cable base consists of 1.5 million TV customers, half of which take a broadband service.
56% of all TDC Groups broadband subscribers are on a cable network, the remainder is on copper/fibre.