Operators are struggling to balance new enhanced security requirements for Ultra HD services, while trying to avoid running multiple security systems.
A new White Paper produced by security firm Nagra Kudelski says uncertainty remains as to what the standards will be for Enhanced Content Protection services, including the extent to which High Dynamic Range (HDR) technologies will become part of the equation.
Adding to the mix a higher than anticipated penetration of Ultra HD sets has led to Ultra HD launches by streaming services Netflix and Amazon, and the occasional broadcast venture, such as that launched in August by BT Sport.
Measures put forward by MovieLabs for next generation content protection has become a top priority for multi-network service providers across broadcast, multicast and OTT content. “Having to ensure that multiple content protection schemes comply to new requirements can represent a significant overhead to new ECP-related projects,” says the report, Unifying Content Security on Network Devices.
The report points out that content owner security priorities might not always be the same as service provider security priorities, who want to ensure the entire service is protected, and not just individual elements.
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