Magnus Ternsjö, CEO of Virgin Media’s operations in Ireland, has been appointed as CEO of UPC Hungary – a sister company within Liberty Global plc.
Ternsjö joined UPC Ireland as CEO in June 2013 and became a member of the Virgin Media Executive Committee in December 2014. Under his stewardship, the former UPC Ireland was successfully restructured, launched Horizon and a new mobile proposition for consumers, and earlier this month introduced the Virgin Media brand to Ireland.
Prior to joing Virgin in Ireland, Ternsjö was MD of UPC Broadband’s DTH business. During the last 20 years he has been active in the pay-TV business field covering several European countries through his work for companies such as Nethold, Canal+ and UPC.
In his new role, Ternsjö will be responsible for a business with 1,200 employees serving more than 700,000 cable customers. He will report to Severina Pascu, who leads the Central and Eastern Europe Region within Liberty Global. He will take up his new role with effect from November 1, 2015.
“Magnus has led our business in Ireland during a significant period. He leaves with our warmest wishes and many friends,” said Tom Mockridge, Virgin Media CEO.
“Ireland is an important market for Virgin Media; we are investing to grow our business.”
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time leading first UPC Ireland and, latterly, the transition to Virgin Media. This is a fantastic team with exciting plans for the future,” said Ternsjö.
“While I leave Ireland with a heavy heart, I am looking forward to my next challenge leading the UPC Hungary business.”