Virgin Media has announced it’s taking its top broadband speed to 200 Mbps. The UK operator will be using the Vivid brand to describe all speeds over 100 Mbps.
Customers will now be invited to opt in to an upgrade starting from 1 October 2015. It’s the third time in five years that the cablenet has increased its broadband speeds. The fastest speeds available have moved from 50 Mbps in 2010 to 200 Mbps in 2015.
Existing customers will move from speeds of (up to) 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 152 Mbps to 70 Mbps, 150 Mbps and 200 Mbps.
Data usage on the Virgin Media network is currently growing at a rate of 60% every year and if the trend continues data usage will be 10,000% higher by 2025.
Gregor McNeil, Managing Director of Consumer at Virgin Media said: “Our message is simple: if you want to be certain that you are signing up to true ultrafast broadband speeds of 100Mbps and above, Vivid from Virgin Media is the new standard.”
The company has also embarked on a £3 billion programme to connect four million more homes and businesses to ultrafast broadband speeds.