Only 1% of TV households in Hungary have used an OTT service, according to the findings of Nielsen’s TV+ Survey 2015.
What is more, only 16% were able to name an OTT service/provider and 15% had heard of OTT but were unable to do so, while 70% had never heard of OTT services.
Presenting the results of the survey at Media Platform 2015, Csilla Vörös, MD Nielsen, also said that 74% of individuals aged 4+ with TV have internet access at home, whole 62% of all such individuals use internet on any device.
In terms of viewing, 32% watched TV-type content in the internet, with 31% opting for movies and foreign series and 15% Hungarian TV content.
Three per cent of such individuals watched any TV type content on the internet on a daily basis.
Desktop PCs and laptops (8%) were the most frequently sued devices for watching TV on the internet, followed by smartphones (3%) and tablets (1%).
The survey also found that more than half (52%) of internet TV viewers were aged 18-39. Furthermore, most (56%) were female and two-thirds (66%) had secondary or higher education.
Talent shows (31%) were the most watched content on internet TV, followed by soaps (26%), sports (23%) and news (22%).
Furthermore, 10% had smart TVs in their homes and 7% had smart TVs connected to the internet.