Bundling is becoming increasingly popular in Romania, with 82% of households buying fixed internet from the same provider as other electronic communications services.
According to a market survey undertaken for the regulator ANCOM, the average price of a bundle is RON70 (€15.8) a month.
At the same time, individually purchased fixed internet services at home cost, on average, RON34 a month.
In terms of contracted fixed internet connections, 20% of households benefit from speeds below 50Mbps, whereas 43% of them have contracted speeds above 50Mbps, with the most frequently contracted speed is 100 Mbps.
On the other hand, 37% are not aware of the maximum speed specified in their contract.
Furthermore, 46% of urban households feature speeds above 50 Mbps on their fixed internet connection, compared to 32% in rural areas.
Interestingly, 40% of fixed internet users also use mobile internet services (via mobile phone/smartphone, USB stick or tablet) and 13% say they do not use the mobile internet while at home.
Mobile internet is preferred over fixed internet at home only in a limited number of situations, e.g. such as when the fixed internet does not work or occasionally, for activities like e-mail and browsing.