Dutch IPTV platform KPN Interactieve TV is adding a large numer of TV apps to its service.
The service is called Meer TV (More TV). The apps will automatically be added to the platform’s menu via a software update. The process has now started and it will take about a week before all set-tops have be upgraded.
Earlier generations of KPN decoders that are not suitable for the upgrade will be replaced by the operator.
The new KPN service is similar to the apps that Ziggo’s Horizon set-top offers.
The following apps are now available on KPN: YouTube, Telegraaf, Panorama.nl, CandyBoost, NOS Journaal, Nu.nl, Autoweek, True or False, Dumpert, Buienradar, ANWB, Guess That City, Dailymotion, AccuWeather, Fileindex.nl, Wikipedia, NOS Sport, CNN, NU Sport, EuroNews and Picasa.