More than half of broadband users have never tested their speeds, while two thirds don’t know the speed they’re paying for, according to the broadband comparison site
The survey of 2,500 broadband customers found 56% had never checked the speed of their internet connection. 69% of respondents were unaware of what it was supposed to be.
“While some of those 56% who have never run a speed test simply don’t know that they either can or should, the fact that two-thirds of all broadband customers have no idea what speed they’re supposed to be getting means that even if they did test their speed, they wouldn’t necessarily know whether the result was good or bad, said’s consumer telecoms expert Dan Howdle.
“The onus should be on the provider both to ensure customers are getting the speed they’re playing for, and informing them when they’re not. Ultimately, it’s pretty unreasonable to expect the average consumer to analyse the quality of their broadband.” runs its own speed test that can be found here.