Ukraine has now banned a total of 14 Russian channels from being distributed by cable networks. What is more, the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs is making sure operators adhere to the ban.
According to the National TV and Radio Council (‘National Council’), regional branches of the ministry will, following an order made on August 19, verify whether or not the channels are distributed by networks.
The ministry already works with the National Council in the capital, Kiev, to ensure the ban is adhered to.
The channels in question are First Channel. Global Network, RTR- Planeta, NTV-Mir, Rossiya 24, TVCI, Rossiya-1, NTV, Peterburg-5, Zvezda, Ren-TV, RBK-TV, Life News and Russia Today.
Operators who do not comply with the ban face administrative penalties and the prospect of losing their licences.
In a separate and unrelated development, the National Council has said it sees no reason to postpone a decision on the decoding of encrypted TV channels distributed by the DTT operator Zeonbud.
Its initial order was made on July 17 and Zeonbud appealed on August 15 to postpone a decision on the move until the beginning of next year.