63% of US consumers surveyd by Adroit Digital would cut the cable cord if they could access all broadcast TV content online, 51% watch all ads in a half-hour recorded or on-demand show.
The study examined the full spectrum of online video and advertising preferences and behaviours including: the optimal length of a video ad, willingness to “cut the cord,” the most-used streaming services and average weekly video consumption.
“Just a few years ago, content was relegated to specific devices within your home. Now, those lines have completely blurred and consumers can watch what they want, where they want, and when they want it,” said Glenn Humble, Adroit Digital’s director of marketing and communications and the author of the report.
“This research shows that 75% of households frequently have at least two viewers watching different content on different devices simultaneously. This multi-screen world will continue to be a challenge for advertisers as they break new ground and test novel technologies and measurement practices, but it’s the future. Consumers are hungry for online video content and, much like ‘regular’ TV content, they’re growing accustomed to seeing advertisements on all of their screens.”
28% of respondents are consuming more than 15 hours of streaming video content a week through gaming consoles or web TV devices; People ages 35 to 44 are viewing the most online or streamed content (33% watch 15 hours or more per week).
63% of the respondents said they would cancel their cable subscription if all their broadcast TV needs could be met by an online provider. Men are more willing to cut the cord (67%) than women (57%).
69% of men believe their TVs are essentially transforming into a large viewing monitor for self-selected content; 51% of women believe this to be true.
68% of those surveyed watch video content via YouTube, 51% consume live television broadcasts and 49% view content through Netflix.
Women watch content on Netflix more often than men (56% vs. 43%) and PVRs more often than men (32% vs. 28%).
70% of respondents said they typically watch video content alone. 75%said someone else is often or sometimes somewhere else in their home accessing video at the same time.
With regards to to video advertising, 56% of respondents said they will skip an online video ad most of the time while 24% said it depends on the ad and 20% said they usually do not skip the ad. Adults ages 25-34 are least likely to skip online video ads most of the time (24%)
46% said the optimal length of a video ad is one to 15 seconds; 19 percent said they’d prefer an ad that is more than 30 seconds in length/
Survey respondents are most likely to respond to video advertisements in the following top content categories: health and fitness (35%), sports and outdoors (33%) and news and current events (33%).
Respondents were split on behavior while watching a 30-minute recorded or on-demand show in its entirety: 51% will watch all of the ads, whereas 49% will skip them.