The Polish cable operator Multimedia Polska has revenues of PLN175.7 million (€41.9 million) in the first quarter, down 0.7% on the same period last year, while its EBITDA was up by 0.3% to PLN91.4 million.
Net revenues were, at PLN12.6 million, 12.1% down of a year earlier.
The operator notes that its TV revenues in Q1 amounted to PLN86.8 million (-0.5% year-on-year), with the fall being due to decreases for analogue TV (-12.3% to PLN30.5 million) and premium channels (-11.9% to PLN6.3 million), while digital TV revenues increased (-10.2% to PLN49.9 million).
On the other hand, TV revenues in Q1 were 0.1% up q-o-q, thanks largely to digital TV and the company notes that the negative effect on the transition to digital (terrestrial) broadcasting in the country last year will have less impact on Multimedia than in the first few months following ASO.
The number of TV RGUs at the end of Q1 stood at 681,000 (668,000 three months earlier), of which 342,000 were digital and 339,000 analogue.
There were also 77,000 premium RGUs.
Churn averaged 0.74% a month and was kept in check by the increased bundling of services.