Dutch incumbent telecoms operator KPN has upped his total number of TV subscribers with 27,000 to a total of 1,980,000 during Q1, 2014.
KPN’s IPTV platform saw a growth of 62,000 during to quarter to 1,424,000. However, the company’s DTT platform Digitenne and “other subscribers” went down 35,000 to 556,000. This number also includes analogue TV subscribers which are connected on KPN’s recently acquired glass fibre nets. Compared with the end of Q1, 2013, Digitenne lost about a quarter of its subscribers. On March 30, 2013 the total stood at 717,000.
Although the total number of TV homes is up, growth is slowing down: during Q4, KPN added 80,000 new IPTV subscribers, during Q1, 2014 the total net additions was 62,000. KPN now claims 26% of the Dutch TV market.
“Commercially, we have seen high postpaid net adds and continued good IPTV net adds in the Consumer market,” said CEO Eeleco Blok, “The focus on our market leading products, such as 4G and IPTV leads to growing numbers of multi play customers in consumer and business.”
KPN’s triple play penetration increased to 46%, and there were 62,000 quad play net adds.