There may still be a future for the Ukrainian DTH platform Lybid TV despite its closure earlier this month.
Quoted by ComNews and AKTR, its press service said that one option is the sale of its contracted capacity.
Significantly, the Russian DTH platform Tricolor TV has expressed interest in buying the capacity should it be put up for sale.
Both it and Lybid TV employ Eutelsat 36B at 36 degrees East.
Lybid TV had a link with Tricolor TV through Vyacheslav Mordachev, a former head of Tricolor TV, who held a 10% stake in the Ukrainian platform.
However, ownership links between Russia’s GS group (General Satellite) and Lybid TV were and continue to be denied.
Lybid TV was launched in spring 2013 but went bankrupt this month.
Its subscribers, believed to number around 50,000, have since been given the option to receive services from the DTH platform Xtra TV.