The Onlime service operated by Rostelecom saw its digital TV subscriber total in Moscow increase by 45% in 2013.
To date, its customer total stands at over 200,000.
Growth in the service was helped by the addition of thematic channels and packages, with one of the latter – Nash Futbol – for instance seeing its take-up increase five-fold since 2012.
Onlime’s HD package meanwhile saw its audience grow by over 60%, while one in ten Onlime subscribers opted for its movie package Cinema.
Separately, quoting iKS-Consulting, Vedomosti reports that Rostelecom increased its broadband subscriber total in Moscow, excluding new, outlying parts of the city, by 40% to 604,000 households in 2013.
In total, there were 3.8 million broadband subscribers in what is now termed ‘old Moscow’, or 130,000 more than a year earlier, with other fixed broadband providers, including the market leader MTS and cable operator Akado, having recorded more modest increases in their customer totals.