Riks TV achieved a record year in 2013 with increases in sales, operating profit and subscribers.
“We see that we have attractive services that customers appreciate and that they are buying more extensive services, says CEO Christian Birkeland. “We have worked long and hard to operate cost effectively. In this respect, also 2013 was a good year. Income Increase combined with good cost control results, says Birkeland.
The Norwegian pay-DTT platform delivered NOK 1,165 million in revenues compared to NOK 1,087 million in 2012. Net profit those to NOK 128.3 million from 108.6 million in 2012.
Launched in 2007, Riks TV, owned by Norwegian Aktivum AS TV 2 AS and Telenor Media Invest AS, initially struggled in the competitive Norwegian market.
At the end of 2013 RiksTV reached 515,000 households, compared with 491,000 at the end of 2012. 282,000 customers subscribed took one or more pay services .
During 2013 RiksTV has launched several new services and channels, including archive channels from TV 2 and TV Norge.