The European Broadcasting Union is continuing its campaign against the possible loss of broadcast spectrum at next year’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15).
An article in the EBU Technical Review article casts doubt on claims made by the mobile telecommunications industry. It says a number of erroneous elements have been identified, leading to the authors to conclude that the mobile spectrum requirements are greatly overestimated.
Accorsinf to Crystal balls, tea leaves or mathemetics: forecasting data traffic for mobile services no cost/benefit analysis or impact assessment on the present users of the spectrum has been provided to justify the requirements of the mobile sector .
Th EBU says if the WRC-15 decides to satisfy these requirements, the incumbent users of the affected frequency bands will have to be displaced. This, according to the authors or the article, would most certainly have an adverse impact on terrestrial broadcasting, satellite services, the cultural and content industries, and society in general.