The Lithuanian incumbent TEO is to start providing its television GALA and internet ZEBRA services under a single TEO brand.
Starting this Wednesday, March 5, television GALA will become TEO television and from April internet ZEBRA will be called TEO internet.
According to the company, it will at the same time introduce new generation services and with a single name will be able to present its services more clearly to its private and business customers.
It adds that the move has also been fostered by increasingly integrating TV and internet features.
As of March 5, it will also change the interface of its IPTV service, allowing customers to use TV content more simply and intuitively and to find programmes and video recordings more easily.
The new interface will also allow the time children spend at the TV screen to be limited.
TEO says a survey of its interactive customers found that the use of smart TV features has become a massive trend.
In 2013, the number of reviewed of TV recordings increased by 2.3 times.
It adds it will soon also introduce an exclusive service for smart TV users allowing them to access files from the internet storage service Saugykla.
TEO currently has 431,000 internet and 172,300 TV subscribers.