Telekom Slovenije’s TV subscriber total increased by 14.8% to 322,842 in 2013.
At the same time, according to the company’s latest set of results, its mobile and fixed broadband connections increased by 5.2% and 1.4% to 2,206,010 and 345,668 respectively.
The Slovenian incumbent posted a net profit of €52.3 million in 2013, or 17% more than a year earlier.
Its operating income amounted to €799.2 million, up €3.9 million on 2012, while EBITDA and net debts were €237.8 million and €341.5 million respectively, both of which were lower than a year earlier.
Telekom Slovenije invested almost €111 million in 2013.
It expects its net profit this year to come in at €63 million, with EBITDA and investment amounting to €212 million and €137 million respectively.