A new Finnish technology start-up is using Facebook to enable viewers to take videoclips of their favourite TV moments and instantly share them with their friends.
Tellyo argues that the user base of the fan pages found on Facebook is much larger than that of the second screen apps promoted by broadcasters. It says the Share the Moment service can directly leverage existing fanbases, which will help continue the conversation about the show long after it has finished, and beyond that spurred on by a single sentence on Twitter.
“We wanted to create a new service that will enhance social television and enable viewers to add real context to their comments on TV shows by sharing video highlights instantly to Facebook and Twitter,” explains Tellyo’s CEO and Co-Founder Kimmo Koivisto. “Share the Moment is easy for viewers to use, because it does not require installing any new software and it can be used directly through TV show’s Facebook or Internet pages. Equally important is that broadcasters can easily add our new service to their own Facebook pages without technical knowledge. In the near future, Tellyo will continue to innovate new exciting ways to share TV moments beyond the video clips and to extend TV’s offering for advertisers, who also want to benefit from social media’s reach and interactivity”,
Share the Moment is currently being used by Finnish broadcaster MTV on the Comedy Combat series that plays to 1.3 million viewers a week.
Tellyo’s, shared moments have already got over 140,000 views and over 32,500 likes in Facebook. In the context of Finland, where population’s size is only 5.4 million people, these figures are very high. Indeed, these Facebook likes account for 15% of the Comedy Combat’s Facebook fans and twice the amount of tweets sent.
Mari Rasimus, Executive Producer of Second Screen, Social TV and Online Interaction at MTV tells:
“We want to ensure that we continuously offer our viewers innovative ways to participate in our TV shows and provide them new experiences. These great results show us that it has been worthwhile to believe in the success of Share the Moment service. We see a lot of potential and commercial opportunities in this Tellyo’s innovation.”