The Russian legal internet video content company Tvigle has become the first online broadcaster on Sony PlayStation 3 in the country.
This follows the launch of an app that gives more than 1.2 million PS3 consoles access to over 20,000 films and TV shows.
Commenting on the development, Egor Yakovlev, Tvigles’ founder and CEO, said: “We are proud to be the only online broadcaster in Russia on PS3.
“Connected devices are growing at an explosive rate in Russia, and tapping into this segment represents an important part of our strategy to grow this market further.”
Sergey Klisho, general manager PlayStation Russia and CIS, added: “It is important for us to launch a video service for Russian gamers.”
Up until now YouTube was the only video service available on PS3 in Russia, which is emerging as one of the world’s most important video markets. Tvigle’s partnership with Sony was first announced in Moscow last September.