Stats show that 24% of 16-24s download a TV series and binge watch entire seasons in one sitting, according to a report from Voxburner.
Another 52% say they watch at least two episodes at a time.
Almost half of young people (44%) use paid for streaming services to watch or download films and tv programmes. Netflix is the most popular, with 38% of Gen Y consumers using the streaming service in the last month, whilst Blinkbox (22%), Lovefilm (8%) and Mubi (7%) are also used.
“The concept of watching one live episode of TV a week doesn’t exist to young people,” said Luke Mitchell, Head of Insight at Voxburner. “The switch to content on demand has changed behaviour and the idea of ‘binge watching’ entire seasons or multiple episodes at one time is becoming the norm.
“There used to be a culture of waiting for the next episode and discussing it with your peers, but changing TV habits mean that young people are consuming programmes at their own pace and often on their own.”
When asked about how interested they would be in paying for bonus content through streaming services, 15% of 16-24s say they would be interested and likely to buy, whilst 30% would be interested but unlikely to make a purchase.
It seems young people aren’t too concerned with not actually owning the content when it comes to TV or films – 37% are aware that they don’t own the content but aren’t worried, 17% are concerned, whilst 31% haven’t really thought about.