Four of Ukraine’s leading distributors have agreed to create a new package of encrypted DTH channels.
According to Satkurier and Telesat News, it will consist of 20 channels, formerly available FTA, and cost viewers UAH8 (€0.7) a month to receive.
The distributors in question and the channels they currently offer are Media Group Ukraine – Ukraina telekanal, Futboll, Futboll+, Donbass and NLO-TV; StarLightMedia – STB, ICTV, Nowyj kanal, M1, M2 and OTV; Inter Media Group – Inter, Inter+, NTN, Enter Film, Piksel, K1, K2, Mega and Zoom; and 1+1 Media – 1+1, 2+2, TET and Plus-Plus.
The last three have until distributed all their channels FTA, using Astra 4A at 4.8 degrees East and Amos 2/3 at 4 degrees West, with only Media Group Ukraine employing Viaccess to encrypt its channels on 4.8 degrees East.
The regulator appears to be in favour of the distributors creating such an encrypted package.
However, there is no indication of what channels will be included in it or on what satellite it will be distributed.