The Polish Filmmakers’ Association (SFP) has won a significant legal victory against UPC Polska, the country’s leading cable operator.
In a statement, the association says that the Warsaw Court of Appeal pay the SFP compensation for the non-contractual rebroadcasting of audiovisual works.
The actual amount, though not specified, will according to the SFP run into many millions of zloty.
The SFP adds that the UPC case marks a significant step in cable retransmission in Poland.
It is also the final confirmation that the existing market rate of 2.2% is an appropriate amount for the use of copyright protected by the SFP.
The association points out that a few months ago it signed an agreement with Multimedia Polska, Poland’s third largest cable operator, confirming the rate at 2.2%.
UPC Polska is expected to appeal the court’s decision.