Smart TV is establishing itself in Germany, according to the Deutschen TV Platform.
German broadcasters now offer over 70 HbbTV apps and generate many millions of views, according to GfK Retail & Technology, who carried the research out on behalf of the platform at the end of July 2013.
The results can be found in the Marktanalyse Smart-TV, which the platform has published on the occasion of the Munich Media Days.
At that date, some 14.5 million internet connected devices were sold to German households , of which 5 million have HbbTV capability. On this basis, the platform, expects by the end of 2013 17 million web-enabled TV devices in German households , of which 7 million have HbbTV functionality .
The 52-page Marktanalyse Smart-TV report can be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Deutschen TV Platform (text available in German only)