Ofcom has warned there are likely to be significant challenges for spectrum management over the next ten years.
Launching a consultation on its forthcoming objectives, the regulator said there would be growing competing demands for key spectrum bands leading to increasingly difficult choices associated with changing spectrum use, especially at lower frequencies.
Technology developments and search for larger bandwidth will also drive demand at higher frequencies.
While spectrum requirements in some areas can be expected to grow, requirements at other areas will at least remain stable.
Within television Ofcom said the resilience of linear services and a trend towards higher definition transmissions are likely to influence demand for television broadcasting capacity on both digital terrestrial and satellite platforms.
- Ofcom’s priorities are likely to include
- Implementing the strategy for the 700MHz band and considering DTT’s long-term future
- Considering the future of PMSE use of spectrum
- Considering potential competing demands for the 450-470 MHz band:
- Supporting Government in its consideration of the future wireless communication needs of the emergency services.
- Facilitating new spectrum sharing opportunities
- Supporting the improvement of radio equipment performance
The consultation closes on December 11, 2013 and can be found on the Ofcom website.