Some two million homes in Russia are now receiving satellite TV services illegally, according to Sergei Groznov, head of the directorate of IT at NTV-Plus, the country’s longest-established DTH platform.
Quoted by RBK Daily, he added that as a result NTV-Plus alone is losing R64 million (€1.5 million) a month.
Groznov said he arrived at the figure of 2 million through a detailed analysis.
Furthermore, if it were a slightly lower 1.5 million and assuming only 5% would otherwise have opted for NTV-Plus, the company would still be losing R64.5 million a month.
Data produced by iKS Consulting shows that there are currently 11.9 million active satellite TV subscribers in Russia.
Although NTV-Plus accounts for only 650,000 of the total, its high ARPU means it claims a 38% share of the sector’s (R14.6 billion) revenues, compared to market leader Tricolor TV’s 44%.
NTV-Plus has taken an active role against piracy and initiated 14 criminal proceedings last year alone. Six of these led to convictions.