The Czech Association of Electronic Communications (CAEC) has provided full details of its 14th Annual Conference, which will take place at the Crowne Plaza in Prague on April 23.
Taking as its theme The World of Electronic Communications Networks, Services, Broadcasting and New Challenges, it has been “prepared with significant international participation, at the request of our members and with the support of the large and gratifying interest of our domestic and international partners.”
Furthermore, its programme has been adapted to the main topics currently being addressed by the electronic communications industry, “both in terms of the needs of the industry at home and also with regard to the international obligations which the Czech Republic, as a European Union Member State, must meet.”
Speakers will include Fabio Colasanti, president of the International Institute of Communications (IIC); Dr Marianne Klingbeil, deputy general secretary, European Commission; and Simon Moores, MD of Zentelligence (Research) Ltd, and Vice Chairman of the Conservative Technology Forum (UK).
Discussion panels will feature Marek Ebert, Deputy Chairman of the Czech Telecommunications Office Council, director of the Section for Regulation; Annelies Vrbová, Department of Electronic Communications, Ministry of Industry and Trade; and Pavel Zeman, director of the Copyright Department Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
The CAEC expects more than 300 people to attend the annual conference.
For further details and to register, please go to: