The long-awaited Ukrainian DTH platform Lybid TV is now expected to make its debut on April 15.
This follows the official start of test broadcasts, offering the channels 1+1, 2+2, Plus-Plus, TET, Tonis, 5 Kanal, TBi, TRK Ukraina and UFO-TV. that began on March 29.
Quoted on the company’s website, general director Vyacheslav Mordachov said that “the path to today was long, at least longer than planned. However, we have been faithful to the undertaken promises and strongly adhered to the work criteria, as we have repeatedly stated.”
Lybid TV first undertook tests on Eutelsat 7 in September 2011 and was expected to make its debut at the end of 2011.
It was subsequently expected to launch in late 2012 and again in Q1 this year.
Mordachov is a former head of the leading Russian DTH platform Tricolor TV, though there is understood to be no connection between it and Lybid TV.
One up and running, Lybid TV will enter a DTH market already served Viasat Ukraine, Xtra TV and Russia’s NTV-Plus.