Farncombe says the imperative to launch multiscreen services is driving cable operators to embrace over the top technologies and move towards an all IP future.
In a new white paper the consultancy describes a phased approach that begins with moving existing OTT services to adaptive bit-rate streaming (ABR). Farncombe argues that such an approach can also be used to secure new off-net subscribers.
It reccomenss the adoption of a unicast ABR model over multicast IP for linear TV, starting with niche channels.
“Many operators fear the growth of cloud-based service providers who can bypass managed networks to sell content directly to their subscribers,” said Andrew Glasspool, managing partner,
Farncombe. “The risk for cable operators is that if they do nothing then they will lose business. But making the wrong strategic and technology decisions is equally fraught with risk.”
The new White Paper is available from the Farncombe website.